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The Initiative for Priestly Renewal, in conjunction with St Patrick’s Seminary and the Avila Institute, is an invitation for priests to renew their fidelity to a life-long commitment to the priesthood through retreats, pilgrimages and conferences.

Renew Your Commitment to Prayer

Partake in Priestly Fraternity and Meaningful Discussions

Rediscover the Glories of the Sacrament of Penance for You and Your Flock

Continue to Grow with Ongoing Education

About the InItiative for Priestly Renewal

Priests ordained within the last fifteen years face unprecedented spiritual challenges to their identity and purpose as they minister in a society that has lost its sense of the sacred. In this environment, deep questions over priestly identity and fraternity present painful obstacles to entering into the deeper joy and holiness that Christ would otherwise desire His chosen friends to know.

To help this new generation of spiritual fathers fan into flame the gift that they have received, the Avila Foundation has joined forces with St. Patrick’s Seminary to host the Initiative for Priestly Renewal.

This initiative is called to address these crises by offering retreats, pilgrimages, and conferences at a minimum cost to priest participants.

The signs of the times and the gift of priestly vocation form the crossroads for the mission of the Church in the world, and this initiative seeks to help the recently ordained integrate the power of Christ’s priesthood for human maturity, personal holiness and pastoral charity.